Name: Alien FX Fiend
Alias: Alien FX Fiend
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 5'9
Brief History: Dropped out of school, mental hostpital, jail...!
Doctrine: Nihlist
Hair colour: Brunette
Eye colour: Hazel
Marital Status: Single, Not looking
Hobbies/ Interests: Hacking, World Domination, Computer Games, Philosophy, Music
Occupation: E-commerce, Student
Personal philosophy: Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, and in the end only to meet the inescapable fate of death
Location: California
Moto: "Don't wish for it, work for it"
Picture Archives here
E-mail Address:
Yahoo Pager ID: alien.fx_fiend / xn--vb8-xy9ds3vda / 0011111101011111100
IRC Client ID/Room: DeepComa / #mIRC Life
MSN Pager ID: deep_coma00
ICQ Number: 336994783
Myspace ID: total_annihilationx666 (
I usually play online pool on Yahoo Games and I'm usually in the Dust in The Wind or For Your Life room. Also I play the RPG multiplayer game on, my id's rootofallevil, and my handle for the RPG is Knightmare. Also I play the RPG on and my handle is total_annihilation666. When I'm not busy researching I usually chat on books & literature:1 but thats when I'm not finding out the latest goings on on hackers' lounge:1 but I don't frequent the place like I once did. I spend a fair amount of time reading up on cyberpunk and its cultural roots.
Web Design Services: Roth13 Special requests for web design projects can be mailed to me, along with all specifics, ranging from eye candy glitzy to industrial themes
Resume Cover: view my resume for professional rendered services in all aspects of computer science, gfx design, and tech advisory.
If you're looking for a sunshine, optimistic, philantropist, you are definitely at the wrong place. My life has been an endless struggle full of pain and suffering. Its hard to distinguish where everything went wrong or where I deviated from reality, but my life is worse than a hollywood horror. To start at the beginning, everything is a mess, my country is a hell-hole, my family despises me, I dropped out of school because I couldnt cope with the stress, I went to jail and mental hospital because of them. Thats the scratching the surface of my chaotic life, I know its not something you'd like to read, but its not something I'd like to live either. So anyway I just keep being philosophical and try to comprehend this seemingly complex universe, trying to understand if theres any meaning attached to these supposedly worthless lives, is it all just meaningless gloom? or is there an unknown obscure purpose to our cosmic accidental universal existence? I dont believe anymore because it is impobable and I know its possibly because of the traumatic events I've undergone that I've become so cynically outlooked on life but I wasn't alway like this, all I asked for was a normal life, nothing more, and is that such a great demand? I don't know what you might think of me but in reality I'm very kind-hearted although I try to act cold-blooded'- take a while and get to know me and you'll see somethings noone else realised in me. I try to be apathetic and callous, why? so that I cannot be emotionally scarred by traumatic events anymore, but nevertheless pain and suffering is always present in my life, its either a question of perseverence for some unknown reason or end it all this instant...? I have tried suicide 4 times but only when I had undergone some climactic events in my life, otherwise I'm more tolerant than most people. Theres more reasons why my life is impossible but I'll spare you the details. I could go on, but who would read...All that's left to do is is die...
I see many different types of peeple- some are career and profession oriented and see life as a fixed predetermined view and want to just be an ordinary person that fits in. They are afraid to step forward and take a risky plunge or a to venture where others wouldnt go. They like to have a standard and boring life if necessary and anything too difficult is considerted impossible or 'insane' an is never a task they would ever attempt even thinking about.
Im on the other hand a philiosopher, scientist, and visionary- i know those words should never be used together but i couldnt help it- i look at life at a very different angle than others- i question reality, life and everything others take for granted. I define and defy inevitable impossible or risky. To me rules are obstacles and something that is challenging your boldness and whether you'd rather avoid them or take them on- and i never refuse a challenge! Risk is my business and I live life on the very edge and live for the moment and always focus more long-term and on future goals- I do not want to die before I feel I accomplish everything I came here to do something- life is a measure of how much successful and how much historical accomplishments you can acheive. I never use the word impossible in my voabulary and I believe in my extraordinary potential and never anything as being 'far-fetched' or 'improbable'- it cannot be impossible until you've tried it! Also I live life for the adrenaline rush and the taste of excitement, challenge and breaking the boundries of 'impossiblity' and Im never preapred to back-down on a risk or challenge and completely measure my life in accomplishements and goals acheivement and not as just wasting the Air supply anmd resources!
The four elements of life: Goals, Plans, Priorities, Challenges:
Get rich quick and buy a new mansion
Study/ research science
World domination?
Invent time travel,
Finish studies
Move-out from family since I lost my mansion and nothing left in here
Get an online degree if possible as its more convenient
Research advanced science such as Quantum Physics, try to invent time travel, teleportation, immortatily/ invincibility
Currently studies, studies, studies,
Avoid my family as much as possible and the outside world
Try to update my site if possible
Research philosophy, Origins of universe and life etc
Distant Future...
My ultimate goals will be to design a new generation of ultra-futuristic cars which has ambience shine, and can be converted into an amphibious air transport. Also build a private artificial island full of beautiful nature, waterfalls, plaza stone pavement, reddish trees, hill-like grasslands, and a beautiful ocean shore. Also have a huge mansion made with futursitic materials.
Also, buy/ and later even design my own luxury cruise liner and yaught. use yacht for small rides fast, and the luxury cruise liner for more time, have a swimming pool on it and also a garden. Also design a new ultra modern and luxury NOVA JET, with all modern luxuries. This was just a childhood fantasy by the way haha.
View Web Logs
v4 NeoViper-10 Underground Lair [JRX] [RN]
6/01/2005- Day I first conceived the idea of making this websites, when through a lot of transitional ideas and such, thought of making this a games-only site but then decided to make it personal site and expressing my thoughts and life and then decided to have intriguing content I have researched, added on it too.
11/01/2005- Day I had a vague image of the website including some articles on it, by now it had transformed itself into a pool of resources only and not a reference site as I intended, (life was extremely traumatic during this period so some work was postponed). Also figuring out the navigation proved to be exceedingly difficult.
03/01/2006- By now I had an almost fully functional site designed, and was looking for suitable web hosts which also proved somewhat of a hassle since free doesn't include quality. Also the graphics were all complete and yet I felt this site had a long way to go! I decided I will make it the reference hub of major subjects some day but at the rate things are going, I'm afraid I wont make it in time :( sorry
04/02/2006- Well everything's virtually done (albeit minute-scale) and adding finishing touches however the table of contents need to be better named, though I renamed most of their titles, many were just chosen titles from their filenames due to time constraints, and unforeseen circumstances. Also I had intended to better organize and especially number categorically the contents however it would've taken excess time and also since this is new, it'd be constantly edited and would be painstaking. Also I finally decided to add the search boxes after a lot of reluctance and though I think it diminished the look and feel of the site its still an integral part, so oh well...(yeah my life's still hell, and I'm still hell bent on suicide :()
05/02/2006- I'm about to upload the site for the first time, and just finished editing the meta tags so it'll be visible on search engines. So this would mean my site is currently Version 1.00! I hope the world notices my hard efforts. My life's been terrible the past few days and I don't know how long I can go on updating this site, as my life's coming to an abrupt end! :(
29/06/2006- Fixed a bug with the hit counter, intended to add some very cool dhtml scripts to the page but there were internal conflicts between them so I only managed to include a little game though I was doubtful of this because I didn't want the homepage to appeal to a minor crowd, added a bit of content into each of the sections but main focus was fixing the bugs within the site, and also add links to the new message board, guestbook and chatroom which was always going to be an integral part of this site, plus I have integrated a new blog feature into this site so expect it to be updated constantly. I added some new changes reluctantly but I do have a copy of the original should the site updates become redundant, including the buttons for the new links, as they were premade and usually all my content is designed by me, however should new changes be necessary they will be done in the course of time and not immediately. I also finally decided it was alright to ad external links to the site and did so, there were plenty of ultra cool scripts which would've made my site look modern but I was unable to include them for technical reasons and also the main aim of this site is to provide content, not eye candy graphics, can't consider this site to be a major remodeling since it was just some tiny fixes and additions but from now on I can focus more on graphical outlook also, certainly has room for improvement, though in due time things will certainly change...
17/7/2006- Version 1.2 included new file uploads, however tiny bugs remain including the border colour, which is insignificant for now, also the maximum security and sams guides werent included under hacking, and therefore include link only to sams c++, and add maximum security to the site. Just tweaked the interface a slight bit to improve the overall appearance and fix some bugs, also added content to the hacking page.
23/07/2006- Once again more content to the hacking page, not much to say really. I'm trying to improve the hacking content to be one of the best sources available, as for the other content, I'll be focusing more on that too once I do some reference. But for now I dont see the interface design changing anytime soon, and things will have to stagnate for a while since I've got a lot on my mind right now...
11/12/2006 1:14 PM: As far as the upgrades go, can’t really consider this a big improvement, since the gfx are still the same poorly designed as before, but the interface tweaked with tables makes it much more appealing and manageable. also there’s been very little new content which I admit was due to the fact that I've had to re-upload all the files onto my own server, which was extremely cumbersome, therefore I've decided to take the initiative of simply adding new content /w external links instead, this will make things highly efficient and simplified although the chances of broken links persist, but at least this way ill be able to work on new content a lot more, and add massive amount of content in no time at all. It's still in its beta phases, hopefully ill be able to redesign the logo and navigation links in my next update, as I've especially hoped for a better banner for the site instead of the font + gfx combo, making it look quite primitive. as for other matters, I’ve been a lot more busy later doing some spare time activities and research, times flying and I have a lot of upcoming deadlines to meet with my exams and such, therefore in the next few weeks ill be entirely focused on other more prioritized events, but this site, for the first time, looks to be a step in the right direction, and ill be able to make changes to the interface and content a lot more faster thanks to these timesaving shortcuts, and also I’ve learnt some nooks and crannies when it comes to designing my site, and better improved my gfx designing skills heh ;) from now on look for new info in my weblogs/ diaries as this site might go stagnant for a while, while I attend to more pressing matters in my life with these ever-looming new hair-raising 'episodes' I seem to go through! E-mail any feedback you have, I’ll appreciate it...
23/10/2009 9:50 PM: Upgraded the site with version two added, amazon books affiliate network linking to it;) Been meaning to add a whole host of new features and ebooks to the sites content pages.Currently the logo graphic image has been seriously affected by attempts to re-create it and will be fixed shortly.I guess you could consider this site to be in beta development for a while,until I can conjure up some new gfx for it,but I admit the logo needs drastic refinement right now.I fixed the logo its only the interface buttons now that need improvement and maybe I'll fix the hrule gfx later on too.Done fixing everything save for the hrule,that will take me some time to figure out I'll have to disable snap to grid and find a proper value for it.But it'll be done before the end of this week,you'll see a thinner shinier interface I promise you that,on the bright side,I got more ads by adbrite which is ueber kewl I'm really pleased with it,more pay per click schemes=generate more revenue,maybe I'll switch to a paid host someday I dunno or better yet use the revenue to buy a 4tb harddisk instead of the 1tb harddisk I planned on buying.
22/11 11:13 Added Tickertape+mousetrailx
4/12 22:00 Expanded Computer Sections+Nav Links+Switched to MSEW
6/12 1:50 Added favicon
10/12 1:37 Improved Design
23/1 16:00 Added CSS hover link effect
5/7 00:52 MouseTrail + Fixed Phong + Encoding + link + Scrolltop + Snow
8/7 10:45 Malicious virus script s.igmhb finally eradicated
9/7 22:20 Few additional links, Uploading directly from MSEW now:rollouts
24/7 00:00 Added comp-sci & pc-games pages
16/8 16:00 Added Nav Buttons & Custom Search Engine, Switched to Dreamviewer (EW buggy+discn)
24/8 3:32 Minor touches to the site —mostly ripping gifs & imgsearching
8/9 7:25 Minor additions & few more links
15/2/2018 19:59 Transferred from 000webhost since they impose Sleeper restrictions. Old [Knightmare602] site merged: All external links don't work from my Knightmare602 site —only recovered full webpages, not files, courtesy of the Wayback Machine ! Trying to get my Pong script from my old site —it was config'd properly & was easy to play on small screens.
3/4 2:27 Revamped Favorite Quotes page [thanks to StumbleUpon], added loads more, also added some temporary Creators Update links.