Shadow Company™ Science
1. Origin of Life/ Universe: Theories on how the universe and life were formed
2. Science Fiction: Fictional future conceptions
3. Miscellanous: Other displaced topics
Watch Videos of Quantum Physics and String Theory: an excellant resource on cosmogony
NASAs Origins (Series):
NASAs origins program: Nasas spitzer and deep impact recipe for comet soup: how space planets are formed
Origins: about origins: about nasas origins programme
Origins: emerging modern universe: Research Area One: How did the cosmic web of matter organize into the first stars and galaxies?
Origins: emerging modern universe- Research Area Two: How do different galactic ecosystems (of stars and gas) form and which can lead to planets and living organisms?
Origins: habitable planets: research area 7: Is there life on planets outside the solar system?
Origins: habitable planets: research area 7 investigation fifteen: Determine optimal biosignatures for life on other worlds
Origins: habitable planets: research area 7 investigation sixteen: Search for evidence of life on habitable planets orbiting other stars
Abiogenesis: wikipedia article on spontaneous origin of life
Time travel (series):
9 dimension theory
Creating time gates
Parallel timelines
The fifth dimension
Physicist to Present New Exact Solution of Einstein's Gravitational Field Equation: this would enable close
to speed of light travel possible
MIT creates quantum teleportation device
Blackholes: scientific article on blackhole mysteries
Evolution chart: diagram of the order of evolution of species!
Chaos Theory and fractals
Dream interpretation and symbology
How to make things radio controlled
Evidence supporting quantum information processing in animals
Analysis of the mind by Bernard Russell
Origins 2: origins: site for origins of life articles (not necessarily scientific and contains both religious and scientific sections)
Origins: randomness by design: article on origins of life (a religious approach)