
Knightmare Colony™ III

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Welcome to Knightmare Homepage! {Orig. PHP Nuke Ice Website Template}

Coffee CupTesting the center content blocks to see what the text looks like inside them. A vast pool of resources covering many engrossing topics! Plethora arcane & esoteric aspects of Computer Science et. al. Click here to visit. The cool place to be for all  your game cheat codes, strategy guides, reviews & short stories plus Whitepapers, eBooks & Tutorials. Join the most coveted team on the net w/ links to most never-before-seen content. Welcome to my all-new TFT (now terminated) sequel site w/ updated layout & info (some data was lost ! ) :{ The content here is like nothing you've seen & out-of-the-ordinary! From the unexplored areas of the mind come --the experience of new ideas & obtuse perspective [..] This Site Is Under Perpetual Construction ! [1:43 AM Fri 7/10/2016]


Testing the center content blocks to see what the text looks like inside them. Age of Empires HD Scripting Tutorial, CnC:TA Tips |Fan Site (More comn soon !), RA2 War Stories\ Battle Guide\ Game Mods, Chess\ NewAge 3 Strat guide, Sims custom user-created, Grayhat Stuffz~!, String\ M Theory, Time Travel Concepts, Proposed Roads To Freedom, Open RA, MK Chaotic (MUGEN),

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..::Top 10 Games::..

1. Command and Conquer Alpha
2. Empire Earth III
3. 18 Wheels
4. Sims Makin Magic
5. Gangsters: Organized Crime
6. Mortal Kombat X + Gold
7. Rayden 2 Demo
8. Incoming
9. Carmageddon 2: Carpolypse Now
10. Delta Force IV: Task Force Dagger
11. Infestation
12. Midtown Madness 2
13. Watchdogs
14. The Crew 2
15. GTA V
16. Crysis 4
17. Titanfall 2
18. Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
19. Mafia
20 Saints Row
21. War Chess
22. Star Wars: GB Saga
23. Age of Mythology: TotD
24. Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge
25. Metal Fatigue

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..::Links (Ext.)::..

VX Heavens (Ezine)
Chronos Time Travel
Runaway Lives
cDc Paramedia
Miserable Life Comp
Movie Scripts FightClub
PC Strategy Guides
C Programming
MM2 lag fix
MM2 Chicago Track
SWGB:CC Widesreen fix
War Chess 1.1
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
Software Engineering for Internet Applications
25 Free Computer Science Books
Vast e-book Library
GTA 3 No-CD crack
GTA 3 +27 Trainer
GTA VC 1.1 Patch
GTA VC No-CD crack
GTA VC Trainer
Game Programming [HTML] books
Nancy Drew [HTML] eBooks

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World of Solitaire | Threatsaurus: Sophos A-Z Computer & Data Security Threats |PhraseExpress v12.0 |The Basics of Philosophy: A huge subject broken down into manageable chunks |My Wishlistr | My Pearltrees |HLT Blogspot |Book of Bad Arguments (logic) |MailboxPLEASE SEND ME E-MAIL WITH COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS

:Old Site:

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Knightmare™ Colony II

~When The Demons Arrive The Survivors Will Envy The Dead~


Welcome to my new site Knightmare's personal homepage. Its a personal site dedicated to radical teens and high-octane lifestyles and speculative philosophy. You wont find comprehensive technical articles, since this site is mainly personal just to express my opinions and thoughts on a variety of topics and also a repository for a vast amount of esoterica research I'm conducting. I myself am a philosopher, therefore if you love philosophy then feel free to send your comments and opinions on this site and also you will get quite a bit of info on some of my personal favorite subjects including philosophy, hacking and life in general, and other universal stuff. If you want an insight on my life, then you could read my 'Diary', which is all my sentiments on living. From the unexplored areas of the human brain comes.. the experience of new ideas and obtuse perspective. This is just the beginning of my site and I have a lot of future ambitions for it, so don't be surprised with the little content! Click the links to navigate the site.

Expect it to be fully launched by the end of February. Till then please bookmark this site and return to witness the fascinating content available!

Last Updated: Friday, October 23rd 2009, 9:50 PM
Version 1.4 beta

Quote of the Moment: "Life is a comedy to those who think, and a tragedy to those who feel"